Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Changes in the NT Gateway

In spare moments I'm working on changing the main page of the NT Gateway. Now that I'm blogging regularly, I don't need to use the main page to communicate the latest updates; and I've abandoned the Logbook too, so I have decided to make the main page more useful for browsing, to set out clearly all the different sections. I am encouraged to do this further because I think many people never find certain parts of the New Testament Gateway -- they've never realised they exist. But it's a heck of a job; I find I can't get it to look just right. I want to keep the basic look and style of the NT Gateway as far as possible but I'd like something resembling iTanakh's front page, which I think pretty useful for browsing. I hope to get there in the end.

At the same time, I've made the decision to abandon the monthly Featured Links. Frankly, this has become one of the least enjoyable parts of doing the NT Gateway and in general my philosophy of the site is that I need to be enjoying it to carry on doing it. There's something about the pressure of deciding on each month's featured links, and trying as carefully as I can to write a good review of each of the links. And I've always found that there'll be a month when I have loads of possibilities and then a month where there is nothing. Further, with blogging I'm able to flag things up properly as and when they come up and the more informal way of doing this feels un-pressurised. I'll keep the archive of Featured Links there, but from now on the formal side of that will be dropped. I've been poor at keeping them updated over the last year anyway -- it's become very patchy -- and it makes the site look like it's not regularly updated, which I don't like. So I'm afraid it's going, at least for the time being. You can come to the blog instead!

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