Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Richard Bauckham's SBL Paper

Richard Bauckham has made available the following paper ahead of the SBL Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia coming up in November:

Richard Bauckham, "For Whom Were the Gospels Written?" (web)

I've also made it available at the NT Gateway in PDF:

Richard Bauckham, "For Whom Were the Gospels Written?" (PDF)

For details of the session of which this will be the lead paper, see:

Society of Biblical Literature Synoptics Section

Or follow the links from the NT Gateway: Gospels and Acts: Web Sites page. One addition to the electronic programme (though it does appear in the print programme) is that Theodore J. Weeden will be responding along with Dwight Peterson. It's a session I am looking forward to very much since the book on which it is focused, Richard Bauckham (ed.), The Gospels for All Christians? Rethinking Gospel Audiences (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997) is an important one and deserves more attention than it has received so far. I'll blog any updates as they come in; Margaret Mitchell's and Mark Matson's papers will also be available for uploading to the web soon.

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