Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Move to Duke

I'm going to America! At some point in the not too distant future, I am hoping to move to Durham, North Carolina. Official news came yesterday afternoon -- the Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee at Duke University have approved my appointment to a faculty position in the Department of Religion, as Associate Professor with tenure, in the area of New Testament and Early Christianity. Although I will miss Birmingham, where I have been very happy and have had great colleagues and good friends, I am naturally very excited about the move and really looking forward to the future. I'm sure it goes without saying too that I feel really honoured to be invited to join such a prestigious department and university. I hope that I can live up to their faith in me. Timing is not yet clear. My offer letter gives a start date of September 1 but I have a good number of hurdles to clear yet, and that may not be possible. More when I have it.


  1. Wild congratulations, I hope the Gateway will continue. Does this mean you'll soon be saying (as we Americans would) "the Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee at Duke University HAS approved...?" (not to mention putting question marks confusingly but unswervingly inside quotation marks).

  2. Good!
    Stephen Goranson (Duke PhD 1990)
    Perkins Library, Duke

  3. Congratulations Mark. You must be really pleased. All the best. (Does this mean you won't be cropping up on the BBC so much anymore?).

  4. Good news for all concerned, Mark — perhaps particularly for Duke’s students, who will no doubt find you an excellent and attractive teacher.

  5. Please let the Durham (N.C.) Convention & Visitors Bureau know if we may be of assistance in your relocation... Congratulations.

  6. Great! It will be nice to have you on this side of the Atlantic!

  7. marvellous news -- congratulations!

  8. Many congratulations on your new appointment. Delighted for you. Delighted too that NT Gateway will continue unaffected. It has done more to keep me as a working minister and student in touch with developments in the world of scholarship. Your blog is part of my essential early morning reading.

  9. Mark,

    Congrats. Welcome! I am glad to see that NT Gateway is going to still be "one the air."


  10. But, Mark, how are we going to do without you, this side of the pond? I realy am thrilled for you, though....

  11. Let me join the others in offering my congratulations!
