Friday, October 28, 2005

Blogging to resume soon!

The drought is almost over! After the longest gap in the history of the NT Gateway blog, I am all set to resume blogging later today. I may tell the story of why I've not blogged for so long, but then again I may not. It has been a difficult couple of weeks. Thanks for all your emails and sorry for not having answered them. More later, I hope.

Update (Sunday, 20.37): Sorry, it never did happen, after all. As it turned out, I had less time than I had hoped and couldn't find the window I thought I had. And even less energy. But at some point I am still hoping for a resumption.


  1. Good to know you are still kicking Mark. I thought maybe you had been abducted by some crazy Chapel Hill resident because you wore a Duke blue t-shirt at the Winn-Dixie!

  2. Glad you'll be back - I was a little worried about you.

  3. Hey Mark, good to hear from you.
    Another few days and I was going to set up an alert.

    I hope you are surviving the current situation and of course from everyone back in Birmingham our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

    Per Ardua Ad Alta
    (Through difficulties to the heights)

  4. Loking forward to your return, and in the interstices of my own (end of year) busyness, thinking of you!

  5. Hope all is well with you. I look forward to more posts soon.

  6. I hope you'll have a chance to comment on Ann Rice's views on New Testament scholarship (I haven't read her essay or her book, so I don't know what she says, but she is not complimentary).
