Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Clippings Folders

Rubén Gómez comments on his Clippings Backlog and asks "Am I the only one . . . .?" No, it's at least me too. I have dozens in my clippings folder. Gems from all over the blogosphere, all sorts of interesting bits and bobs I wanted to mention and comment on. If you're thinking, "I wonder why Mark never commented on that brilliant post of mine", well, now you know. Of course one way round such things is the solo-blog, in which you only publish your own materials, don't link to others, don't have a blog-roll, but those are often the least interesting sorts of blogs.

For those who don't use Bloglines, the Clippings Folder is the place you put those blog posts (of others) that you want to save for later, to comment on when you next have a moment. But as Rubén points out, that time never seems to come. For me, it's a little like photocopying an article and not reading it, or downloading an article onto your computer and not reading it, or video-ing a television programme and not watching it. Somehow the act of clipping, photocopying, downloading or video-ing makes you feel less bad about not dealing with the item.


  1. Mark said ... loading an article onto your computer and not reading it, or video-ing a television programme and not watching it. Somehow the act of clipping, photocopying, downloading or video-ing makes you feel less bad about not dealing with the item.

    ... this methodology also works for healthy eating ... you buy brocolli and put it in the fridge, leave it there til it becomes worthy of a science experiment ... then buy more :-)

  2. Mark, that's so true.

    I've got four items from clip blog. All from 2004, and all yet to be commented, if ever. One of them is even one of your posts on the NT Gateway Blog.

    I think it probably better to go ahead and just blog a link to an interesting post rather than put it the clip blog.
