Tuesday, November 01, 2005

In the Footsteps of Jesus

Coming soon on BBC Radio 4:

In the Footsteps of Jesus
Edward Stourton embarks on a journey in the footsteps of Jesus, bringing to life the world in which He lived.

There has never been a greater public demand for information about Jesus, the real man. Mel Gibson's The Passion and Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code have both tapped into this desire to learn more about the man who is at the centre of the world's largest religion.

For one third of the world’s population, Jesus is the son of God, while a quarter views Him as a prophet and many others revere Him as a great teacher. But in this series Edward will also trace how the idea of Jesus and our understanding of Him has changed through the centuries; from Jesus, to Christ, to Emperor and finally to Guru.
It is a four part series, beginning Monday 21 November, and continuing weekly until the week before Christmas. For those of us outside the UK, don't worry! You can listen to it on-line. (In fact if you are anything like me, you are already listening to Radio 4 on-line whenever possible).

I should add that I have been involved in the series, as script consultant. I am very happy with the way that it has shaped up. I talked to Ed Stourton not long before leaving the UK; and they also got some top notch people, including Tom Wright, Ed Sanders, Bart Ehrman and Larry Hurtado. I promise some regular reminders when the programme airs.


  1. AH I heard about this on the BBC's relion email, and wondered if you'd be involved. I guess it'll be the same kind of thing as the "in the Footsteps of Paul" one a while back. The scripts for that are still on line - hopefully they'll do the same with this too.


  2. Is there a url where we can find the BBC radio?
