Thursday, November 24, 2005

My first American Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to American readers all over the world (including Jim Davila). I am very much looking forward to my first American Thanksgiving. It's great, for a start, not to be at work (hmm: does blogging count as work?). I am about to try to make my first ever pecan pie. Wal Mart had sold out of chopped pecans, so we had to buy a load of uncracked ones and go through and crack them one by one.

I have a great deal to be thankful for this year, a safe arrival in a new country, a lovely new home, a great new job, a great new school for the kids, new friends and the promise of happy things ahead.

Update (Friday, 20.05): the pecan pie was a success! Well, it wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't at all bad. And some even had second helpings (I made lots). I think I might be able to get used to American baking. The key seems to be: shove lots of corn syrup in there. And my own special suggestion: triple the number of pecans suggested in the recipe. Here's the rough recipe I used: Mamma's Southern Pecan Pie.

Update (Saturday, 14.35): Viola has more on our first Thanksgiving on The Americanization of Emily.


  1. Have a great Thanksgiving Mark!

  2. Pecan pie? Thanksgiving? It seems the assimilation has begun.

    Enjoy the holiday weekend!


  3. It is not official until you make your kids dress up like pilgrims.

  4. I may be mistaken, but in *real* southern pecan pie, the pecans are never (!) chopped, and they always (!) form the top layer. Stephen Goranson
