Sunday, April 15, 2007

SEBTS Conference on Mark 16.9-20

There was a conference down the road in Wake Forest on the "last twelve verses of Mark", at South East Baptist Theological Seminary, on Friday and Saturday. It's been very well blogged, by David Alan Black (with pictures), by Josh McManaway on A New Testament Student, by Lew A on The Pursuit and Alan Knox in The Assembling of the Church. Gosh, four separate reports on the conference, and there are more links on those blogs to more. This blogging lark is going to catch on one of these days!

I was not able to get down the road to the conference (my parents are in town), but we did manage to cash in on Keith Elliot's presence in North Carolina to grab him for one of our New Testament colloquia at Duke on Thursday evening, when he spoke on recent developments in New Testament textual criticism.

In a nice piece of synergy, Rob Bradshaw continues his fine work on
with an upload of F.F. Bruce, "The End of the Second Gospel," The Evangelical Quarterly 17 (1945): 169-81.

1 comment:

  1. It was a decent conference, if all that one was hoping for was to listen to scholars confer on the subject. More discussion of the patristic evidence would have been nice (especially since Darrell Bock said at one point that the versions and fathers matter more than the Greek manuscripts when it comes to Mark 16:9-20!). And I wish that the hour that Dr. Bock spent mainly attempting to reinforce Wallace's view had been spent instead as a round-table discussion.

    In some ways it was a frustrating conference, too, as I listened to Dr. Wallace and Dr. Bock make several unsustainable claims (some of which were efficiently clarified by the others). But maybe it was inevitable that I would feel a bit frustrated, since none of the participants advocate my solution. Yet.

    (I take this opportunity to remind those interested in the topic that my lengthy essay on Mark 16:9-20, "The Authenticity of Mark 16:9-20," can be downloaded for free, as a MS Word document, from the Files at the TC-Alternate Yahoo Discussion Group.)
