Saturday, November 03, 2007

Free online access to SAGE Journals

Over on Xtalk James Pantou notes that there is a great offer at the moment for free online access to SAGE Journals until the end of the month. You'll have to register first:

SAGE Publications

Journals include Expository Times, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus and more. Since we don't subscribe through SAGE at Duke, and so have to wait three months for the latest issues to appear, I am pleased to be able to get access to the article by John H. Elliott that Loren Rosson has been enthusing over


  1. Maybe you should blog your reaction to Elliott's article. :)

  2. All this talk I see everywhere of individual papers to get. Am I the only one with such a complete lack of propriety that I'm downloading entire journal runs?

    Well, I suppose I'm probably greedy. But I'm greedy with the full run of JSNT. So who wins? :-D

  3. Wow! Thanks for this alert! A real winner! Frank
