Thursday, November 08, 2007

Lamenting the Demise of Bible and Interpretation

Jim West notes the demise of Bible and Interpretation. The site had not been updated for a long time, but it remained valuable because of its archive of original articles on topics of interest. But the domain name,, has now been lost. is naturally a help on such occasions, but the online presence of those pieces is diminished. I once wrote an article for the site myself, which I may now make available myself on, but many will not do that and this acts as a useful reminder of the transitory nature of some electronic resources and an unfortunate discouragement to those inclined who spend time writing for sites that are here today, gone tomorrow.


  1. Even worse is the fact that one never knew the name of the owner who now presumably benefits from the use of the domain name for advertising - remains as an advertising domain name for online poker, dating etc. Its format is similar to the advertising domain which was once a discussion forum on Christian topics. One has to suspect these two domain names have the same owner.

  2. Do you know who may have that archive? I may have a (better) archiving solution than
