Saturday, February 07, 2009

Developments at the NT Gateway

Regular readers will be aware that I have been rethinking The New Testament Gateway for some time now, asking questions about how it is to adapt to the changing face of the internet, making suggestions for the future, and engaging in discussions with others about how they can help. I am now delighted to be able to announce that the NT Gateway is partnering with Logos. Logos will be providing hosting for the site as well as installing a CMS and giving it a design facelift. I will continue to be the Editor. The address ( will stay the same, so there will be no need to adjust your links or bookmarks. I am sure that readers will like the new version of the site as much as I do. It has a lot in common with older versions but at the same time introduces some major improvements.

These exciting changes impact a little on this blog and on others of my web materials, and I will be explaining what is happening with these over the next few days. Stay tuned!


  1. since logos is hosting will they require you to allow advertising?

  2. But who will own the copyright to your hard work?

  3. Hi Doug. Re. the NT Gateway blog archives, me; likewise all my non-New Testament Gateway materials like the Q pages, Aseneth, etc. Re. the NT Gateway proper, Logos, but with me staying on as content editor.
