Friday, February 13, 2009

Harold Hoehner (1935-2009)

Several blogs have reported the sad news of the death of Harold Hoehner (Evangelical Textual Criticism; NT Resources; Green Baggins; Denny Burk; Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth; ΕΝ ΕΦΕΣΩ; Pursuing Truth; Confessions of a Closet Academic). Here is the piece in Dallas Morning News:

Harold Hoehner, renowned professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, dies at 74
By Sam Hodges
Harold Hoehner, a renowned professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, died today. He was 74.

A seminary colleague, Darrell Bock, said Hoehner collapsed at home after jogging.

Hoehner taught at DTS for 42 years, and for long stretches oversaw its Ph.D. students and chaired its New Testament department.

He also published widely as a scholar.

“His magnificent commentary on Ephesians—his magnum opus—will continue to instruct and inspire pastors and teachers for many years to come,” the seminary said in a statement. “Because one of his books is entitled Herod Antipas, he became affectionately known to a generation of students as `Herod Hoehner.’” . . .
Dallas Theological Seminary apparently has a tribute, but there appear to be problems with their server at the moment. See also Justin Taylor, Between Two Worlds: Harold Hoehner (1935-2009) (with thanks to Michael Thompson for the link).

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