Friday, February 13, 2009

New NT Gateway now live

The new version of the NT Gateway site is now live and it appears to have percolated nicely across the internet. Thanks for all the positive comments so far.

Just to clarify where things stand:

The New Testament Gateway: still at, but with a major facelift courtesy of the fine work of the people at Logos.

NT Gateway Blog: visit the new NT Gateway blog for all the latest news about the site, with regular updates about the new content. Make sure you remember to point your RSS reader to the new feed:

Mark Goodacre's NT Blog: this blog, for my own academic thoughts and reflections. Make sure you remember to point your RSS reader to the new feed:


  1. As of 10 am, Saturday, the new DNS setting has still not propagated to where I am. :-(

  2. Hi Stephen. I ended up going to my Duke proxy to force it to pick it up last night, and then I was OK. Don't know if you could do something similar to make it show up.
