Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On the trail of N T Wrong

As I mentioned last week, N T Wrong's Biblioblog Top 50 now has its own home, announced by Jim West, who now also republishes for our benefit N T Wrong's fine contribution to the series of Biblical Studies Carnivals, 37 (December 2008). If you thought you might be able to check out others of N T Wrong's old posts, the bad news is that you can't even retrieve them over on, usually the result of the author of the sites in question arranging to pull them off's space. For some reason, the author of the N T Wrong blog really does not want people to access his materials any more.

So where has the anti-bishop gone and what are the reasons for the disappearance? Is it connected with the recent postings on Hypotyposeis or is the timing a coincidence? There have, in fact, been a couple of recent sightings over in the comments section of James Crossley's blog, which, it turns out, is the place where all the cool kids hang out.

It seems that I am not the only one who misses the musings of the great man -- there is now a Facebook group devoted to the cause, Come back N T Wrong!


  1. It's a shame too, because many of his postings were insightful and clever.

    (Though being a Dukie, I found his case for the objective genitive of πίστις Χριστοῦ to be somewhat underwhelming...)

  2. His case for the objective genitive was very underwhelming: only 14 out of 100 promised reasons for putting our faith in that reading.

    I'm losing faith in Wrong, and in danger of putting on the faith of Wrong -- faithlessness to the self, that is, so I may cease blogging too. Come back, NT!
