Saturday, November 06, 2010

Dale Allison's Constructing Jesus and Facebook

It is clearly going to be an exciting few months for those interested in Historical Jesus research.  Not only is Maurice Casey's Jesus of Nazareth on the way soon, but Dale Allison's Constructing Jesus is now out (see Loren Rosson's review on The Busybody).  Allison's publisher, Baker Academic, has a Facebook page now advertising the book and giving you the chance to win a copy:
Confused or curious about the historical Jesus? It’s time to get some answers from a luminary in the field. Dale Allison, author of the new book Constructing Jesus, has agreed to answer a few questions on the historical Jesus from our Facebook friends. So, submit a question. Three of the best questions will be passed to Dale for answer that we will post here, and the authors of those questions will get a free copy of Constructing Jesus (which retails for $55)!
Go to to join in.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, new has data been found on Jesus, or will these books be speculative?

    Cheers! RichGriese.NET
