Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Natwivity

No, that's not a typo; it's The Natwivity:
Welcome to the Natwivity. From 1st December you can follow Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, Wisemen and Others on Facebook and Twitter as the Christmas story unfolds . . . .

The Natwivity takes advantage of social media's unparalleled capacity to engage people as they go about their everyday life to re-tell the Christmas story in a fresh, personal way. People will be able to pick up the 'tweets' in their homes, in the high street using their phones and at work.

The Natwivity will give this famous story an immediate, real-life feel, transforming them from people 2,000 years ago to friends of the follower, who are going through the drama now. Followers will be able to read Mary's angst as she tries to come to terms with the birth of her child, and hear from the stunned shepherds after their encounter with a host of angels.
It's a harmonized Nativity story, featuring several tweets / status updates each day from different characters in the drama. It appears not to be in "real time" given that at the moment the story is focusing on the aftermath of the annunciation and Mary's visit to Elizabeth. There are no Biblical references supplied, so it might be a fun task to get your students to hunt down which parts are from Matthew, which are from Luke and which are from the tweeter's imagination.

There is a little mild humour too, e.g. the shepherds are currently washing their socks by night. Does this mean that in due course three kings of holly and tar will be appearing, one in a scooter, one in a car?

HT: Richard Goode.


  1. I've been really privileged to be part of @natwivity through hosting a discussion of the issues raised on my twitter Bible forum @chatbible. It has been great to see how the story has 'crossed over' from 1st - 21st century with such ease. Not only that - but people are engaging with the story who would often steer clear of church. I was delighted to welcome a newcomer to @chatbible whose profile described him as an "atheist". He is more than welcome.

  2. I have been following @natwivity and @chatbible (and even the @tweewisemen) and it has really cast a different, modern light on 2000 year old events. Many on my friends have commented/talked to me about posts I have retweeted, many of whom would not usually be open to talking about such "myths" (as one friend described it)...it really is possible to do theology in 140 characters!
