Over on Abnormal Interests, Duane sings the praises of the New Athena Unicode Font. Another word in its favour for scholars of antiquity -- it has a fine Coptic font and so is ideal if you work on Nag Hammadi codices and so on. I have found it a lifesaver for constructing synopses of the Gospel of Thomas and the Synoptics, where one needs Coptic alongside Greek, and it is the best way I have found for getting things lined up properly without line-alignment going nuts and driving you mad, which happens when you combine different fonts in Synopsis.
Update (22:14): In comments, Jon recommends Antinoou: A Standard Font for Coptic. I have downloaded and given it a whirl and it's definitely a nice looking Coptic font and in many respects superior to New Athena Unicode. Its Greek is a little less pleasing to the eye, but it does render my Greek / Coptic Synopses of Thomas and the Synoptic successfully, so it is going to be a competitor to New Athena -- no question.
Another Coptic/Greek/Latin font worth a look is Antinoou, which has the features of New Athena but the added bonus of an italic face included. New Athena is functional but if you are put off by the neohellenic typeface of the Greek letters or the tall narrow strokes of the Coptic letters, you may prefer the more traditional style of Antinoou.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, Jon. I look forward to giving it a go.