Friday, September 02, 2011

NT Blog Eight Years Old Today!

It's eight years since the first post on the NT Blog, back on 2 September 2003! (Previous blogiversaries). I've had a shocking few weeks for blogging because I am finishing off a book and all my spare time has been poured into that, but I'll be back with regular blogging soon, I hope for another eight years or so.


  1. let me join the chorus commenced by james m. - happy blogiversary mark! look forward to seeing you in san fran.

  2. Congrats! You have been an inspiration to many of us!

  3. As James F. McGrath might say: "Yes, once again the planet upon which you live has successfully circumnavigated its star while you have remained afixed upon it. Congratulations and happy [name] Existence day."

  4. Feliz Aniversário e meus sinceros parabéns pela extraordinária contribuição acadêmica para os estudos bíblicos. Happy blogiversary!

  5. Oh, so what you're saying is that blogging fatigue hasn't set in. That's stamina. Congrats and I'll look forward to the book. Phil
