Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Walter Wink (1935-2012)

Further to my brief post last week, there is now confirmation of the sad news of Walter Wink's death on 10 May.  Richard Deats, on the Fellowship of Reconciliation website, writes:
Walter Wink, 76, one of the most creative and influential scholars of our day, died peacefully at his home in Sandisfield in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts on May 10, 2012. 
The website goes on with a fine tribute.  Comments also on The Biblical World and The Quaternion and a tribute at The Holy Irritant.  As further tributes appear, please let me know (in the comments below, if you like), and I'll update this post with them.

Update: more tributes collected here on Anoigmatic.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mark,

    I found a few other tributes and posted them here: http://anoigmatic.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/remembering-wink-around-the-web/

    Truly a great man, full of life and peace.
