Thursday, January 24, 2013

The return of my blogroll

I had to get rid of my blogroll recently because a couple of blogs were getting flagged up by Google (incorrectly) as featuring malware, but then my automated links were being interpreted by Google as linking to the malware.  Happily, these issues seem now to have resolved themselves and I've added by blogroll again on the right hand side of the page.  

As it happens, it is fortuitous because blogger has ironed out some problems with its automated blogroll delivery, and it seems that now all the biblioblogs (and related blogs) that I subscribe to are showing up, in order of the most recent to post at the top.


  1. Would it be appropriate to suggest a blogroll update?


  2. It would. What would you like adding? (Jesus Blog is on there).

  3. Good to see it back. I enjoy checking the headlines - even if the bloggers don't like my breezing through at random moments, not always remembering to look back for answers.

  4. Mark,

    I'm happy to see the blogroll back, I was missing it, even resorted to installing NewsSquares in Chrome ;)

    As for Jesus Blog it doesn't seem to get posted (nor was it before), at least for me - maybe a delete/re-add would do the trick?

    (That's the only one I had to browse to independently ;))

  5. Thanks, you're right. I've added it manually. It's on my blogroll but for some reason wasn't showing up.

  6. :)

    And if I could vote for an update, this would be it ;)
