Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Smithsonian to air its documentary on the Jesus Wife Fragment

Following on from the recent re-emergence of the Jesus' Wife Fragment, and notwithstanding continued discussions about its authenticity, Smithsonian Channel is going ahead with broadcasting its documentary on the topic:

'Gospel of Jesus's Wife' debuts May 5
By Hal Boedeker

Regular readers may recall that the documentary was originally scheduled to go out on 30 September 2012, within a few weeks of the media campaign that began on 12 September 2012.  However, Smithsonian decided to put the documentary on hold, and some began to wonder if it would ever see the light of day. It then surfaced in France under the title Révélations sur la femme de Jésus and now it is slated to appear in an English version soon in the USA.

More anon.


  1. Please, listen to it carefully… I wonder to know if in English too Paul knew Jesus, or if “wife” is a two letter word in Coptic

  2. It seems that this documentary will be put on hold once again… until the end of its death… See :
    — ;
    — ;

    fired by two “smoking guns”…
