Friday, May 30, 2008

Linguistics Institute of Ancient and Biblical Greek

Thanks to Catherine Smith for the following notice:

The third LIABG symposium (co-sponsored by will take place on 20-22nd August 2008 at McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Further details and registration form are available here:

2008 Symposium of LIABG

LIABG also has a new on-line journal which has just launched and is currently accepting submissions. The journal and submission guidelines can be viewed here:

Journal of the Linguistics Institute of Ancient and Biblical Greek (JLIABG)

There is also an RSS feed for the journal.

1 comment:

Wieland Willker said...

I am wondering who did review the first article?
The author completely forgot to do the textual criticism.
There are significant variants here!

It is not enough to simply take the NA text and go from there.