Friday, September 10, 2004

Greek Study Day

This message posted on behalf of Geoffrey Williams:

This is to give you advance notice of a proposed STUDY DAY for teachers of NT Greek in theological colleges and University departments of theology and religious studies.

It is to be held on WEDNESDAY 2 MARCH 2005 at the UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm.

It will be a practical day, and enable teachers to exchange ideas and develop the existing network which has been encouraged by the LTSN.

At least three themes will be considered during the day: how we enable students to develop strategies for translation when they are approaching NT texts; how we t4each participles to students at introductory and intermediate levels; and ho we organise and construct beginners' courses in Greek (the latter to be led by Glenn Balfour, who had just completed a new text-book)

The cost is likely to be of the order of £30.

Further details, including a registration form, will be sent out as soon as they are available, and will also appear on the New Testament Gateway website.

Jane McLarty (Cambridge University)

Steve Walton (London School of Theology)

Geoffrey Williams (Spurgeons College)

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